Friday, October 31, 2008

"Happy Hallowiener"

Okay so it's not so happy, but it's definitely Halloween and it's one less Holiday I have to spend without The Misses.

There was no big Octoberfest Party this year like last. The Misses is the Party Organiser in our house. I stick to "drinking all the beer". But this isn't to say my garden, and more importantly the Great Pumpkins weren't a success. After we had carved up all the pumpkins last year, The Misses gathered up a few of the seeds and dried them out. Apparently, I must have been drunk while she did this or maybe it was the listeria (yeah, to make me feel better and not so much like the family drunk we will say it was the debilitating brain injury that caused me not to remember). This spring The Misses pulled the seeds out and planted them in some potting mix and a few weeks later we had a start. With the party on hold until next year I thought it would be best to give the pumpkins away.The first person that came to my mind was my cousin The Cutie's little girl The Beautiful Princess. I had no doubt the smile I would put on her face when she received her pumpkins. I was out of town, but the story goes. The Old Fart (Alpha Grandpa) knocked on Aunty C door and asked for The Beautiful Princes. When she came to the door The Old Fart asked her if she need a pumpkin. She told him "no, I already have one." As she pointed to the one on the ground. "Well, come see the ones I have in my truck." He took her to the back of his truck and pointed to The Great Pumpkins. "Would you like one of those?" Her eyes got big and a smile came to her face. Exactly what I was hoping for. The Cutie sent me a picture message
"I cannot believe how big these are!"

I told her she could have them if I got to come over on Halloween and take a few pictures. The Beautiful Princess was very shy and wouldn't have her picture taken unless The Cutie was with her.

"Happy Hallowieeener!"

"Mommy, you said Wiener"


Taylor Fam said...

Hey Mark! It's Lisa (Brett's wife) just checkin' in. Hear lots of crap going on in your life right now so I wanted to let you know that you're in our thoughts and prayers. I'll keep checking in on you. Tell Jen Hi for us! Keep your head up!

JEDA said...

So I'm going to let The Beautiful Princess thing slide because I assume the monikers you've assigned my children in your disease ridden, alcohol befuddled brain are appropriately more grandiose and affectionate: Contessa von Light Of My Life, for example, Baron Sun Shines Out His Ass, and the Marquise de So Much Sweeter Than Chocolate.

In other news--Christ those are big pumpkins!