Sunday, September 14, 2008

400 Days

God it was hard watching The Misses walk out the door all dressed up as a Soldier. Today starts the 400 day clock. I definitely will not be counting down the days and really don't want to know right now what day is 400 away. It is just to long of time to think about.

For the past 7 days The Misses has been home. I would love to say it has been nothing but loving bliss. Unfortunately this coming Tuesday (the day she gets on a plane and leaves) has been hanging over our heads. Don't get me wrong I will cherish every second while she is here. I just hate saying good bye, which I had already done once and now I/ we have to go through it again.

Its hard to imagine that our love could grow any more through our time apart, but it has and will continue. When I was in my late Teens and early Twenties jealousy consumed my thoughts. I know without a doubt it ruined more then one relationship. The Misses some how, probably by convincing me all the time of her love had never seen this dark side of me. As big of a flirt that she is, I never questioned her commitment to me. I thought these thoughts were gone for good. It is probably the stress of everything but it did show its ugly head. I was jealous over what should have been nothing, but it consumed me. I think the greatest part of our relationship is our ability to talk things through. Okay, so its probably The Misses ability to talk and my ability to listen first and then talk later. Going through this situation I realised once again I have nothing to worry about. I love her and she loves me. We did see that communicating is going to be the key to this situation. The great thing about this is the easiest way for me to communicate my feelings is though writing, and the best thing for a Soldier so far away from home is mail. Nothing lifts your spirits more, then when you go to the mailbox and a letter is there waiting for you.

Now that situation is over I can go back to worrying about the far more important issue at hand. The Misses safety. I take great comfort in the fact she wont be out driving around on the hellish roads in Iraq. No matter where she is in the compound, she will have armed Military Police watching over the prisoners every move. She does have a good leader in her First Sergeant that I know will take care of her needs while she is there. There is some jealousy when it comes to the fact she is going to be doing what I love and that's taking care of and leading Soldiers. I really wish I could be there with her, but my job is being here and taking care of things at home.

Please keep her in your thoughts and if you want to do something for her write a letter and let her know you are thinking of her.


Missy and Trevor Morgan said...

Mark, We will keep Jen (sorry "The Misses" sounds like an old farmers wife) in our prayers. You know that our Heavenly Father will watch over her and you keep your nose clean at home. If you want, Trista can periodically kick your butt. Come visit Denver some time. Trevor & Missy

Pugh Family said...

Hey Mark- your cuz here in Cedar- Your Mom gave me your blog address- and I am glad. Everyone here knows about your situation and we're thinking about you and Jen! Let us know if we can do anything else! ~~Natalie