Thursday, January 3, 2008

Worse than the Army's Salisbury Steak

Its that time of year again. Time for my yearly scope. The scope truly isn't that bad, it is only a prick of a needle and time to take a nap. Now the day before, that is another story.
It was three months ago that my doctors office gave me a set of instructions and two small box's. I have been dreading today ever since. Just thinking about it gives me chills. I don't know if I am just a puss, have a low gag threshold, or a little bit of both but I can't stand this stuff. I am positive, the Nazis came up with this shit to torture the POW in WWII. When Fleet got a hold of it they put a little flavoring to it (Ginger-Lemon) and called it a cleansing solution. I am pretty sure it is the nastiest stuff I have ever had to endure.

I will never forget one cold January afternoon in Grafenwoehr Germany. We were playing war and hadn't had a decent meal in two day. As we saw our First Sergeant drive up to our location our spirits lifted. Finally hot chow. I remember standing in line thinking this was going to be better than anything I had ever eaten. Yes, better than Grandma's Homemade Rolls, Mom's Augrotten Potatoes, even better than Dad's Potato Pie. I should have realised something was out of whack when they dished my helping onto my tray and there was no steam rising from it. It was January in Germany, and no steam? This should have been a clue what I was in for. But I was so hungry it didn't register. As I cut me off a chunk of the Salisbury Steak and plopped it in my mouth, my dreams were immediately crushed. It was ice cold. The grease that had once been the savory sauce had turned into a slimy jello. As it hit my tongue it felt like someone had spit a large luggy in my mouth. I was so hungry I just kept going. It was about the third or fourth bite that made me stop. As I tried to swallow the cool piece of meet I got the swets and everything came up. It was a a horrible horrible meal. Its hard to believe that I would ever have anything that compared to that.

Congratulations Fleet! You win the prize. It truly is as bad as it gets. Even worse than the Salisbury Steak.

I would continue, but my stomach is gurgling and its time to run (literally)!


Alpha Grandpa said...

Isn't it amazing how we all have a vivid memory of our worst experience with food. For me it was a single boiled kidney offered up by a well meaning Scottsman in Glasgow. There's no way I can think of that without the stomach doing a tumble.
May your scope be all you want it to be!!!

Queen LaTeacha said...

Yeh, I remember a time when Aunt Betty went to her prospective inlaws for dinner, and they gave her broccoli. Not only did it come back, but she clogged up the bathroom sink when she deposited it there instead of in the toilet.

Ah, the memories come flodding back!

bob84108 said...

Nice blog!! There were only two times where I ate something that made turn green, and that was;

1. Where at officer basic course one my fellow students spit his chew into my soda can he thought was empty.

2. In Hawaii Melissa put her fake finger nails into my chocolate milk glass which I filled with fresh chocolate milk and proceded to drink.