Thursday, January 17, 2008

CNA's should be paid much, much more

I know, you all are asking what has he been up to? Well, for the past two days I have been laying in the hospital bed playing a patient. I got a little stomach bug that did a number to me. I really didn't see it coming. Tuesday morning I woke up and my stomach was acting a little weird, eight hours later and 20 BM's I was at my second home St. Marks Hospital. I am fine now, a little groggy, really bored and really missing Jeter (oh yah and The Misses).
It's amazing how quick I know, usually within one sentence how good or not so good a nurse is. Now don't think this is going to be a bag on nurses piece. As you should know by now I have great respect for anyone that takes care of the sick. But some are just better with their bedside manners than others. Once I am assessed by a nurse they can see I am going to be an "easy" patient. This means I can get up by myself, I'm not going to press the nurses button for anything other then my IV pump is empty, I don't complain about how shitty I feel..... I am easy (okay so there was that whole Bacterial Meningitis thing, but I truly wasn't coherent for a good deal of that time). Right off the bat the nurses that are assigned to watch over me can see I am "easy" so I don't see much of them.
Having said all that there are the nurses who truly care. Maybe they are just better at showing it, because I'm sure most nurses care or why would they be there. They still don't pay much attention but when they do their mind seems to be only on me and not the drug addicted naked guy that is streaking past my door. They take their time and assess what is going on, then it on to the next patient. At the end of their shift they stop in for one more check and see if there is something they have missed. Others may say goodnight as they are walking past the door with the cell phone to their ears and eyes focused on the door. I have no doubt that The Misses falls in the first category of these nurses. At least that's what gives me hope that's the reason she is always late is because she is taking care of patients and not banging a Doctor in the supply closet as Grays Anatomy would lead everyone to believe.
The bottom line is nurses I understand, I get. CNA's on the other hand are people I will never understand why they do what they do. For those of you that don't spend much time in the hospital CNA's are the nurses muscles. For the most part they are the ones getting patients up to go the bathroom, showering, and getting drinks. Here's the thing I don't get. I have never met an ornery CNA. If I was the CNA that had to take care of me, and remember I am easy. If after every time I used the bathroom I had to come in and write down how much and consistency I would be ornery. Let a lone if I had to take care of all the hard patients. To top it all off they don't make squat! All I have to say is god bless them. There is a lot of things I would do for money, but there is no way I could do that and stay happy. Let a lone look the patient in the eye after.

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