Saturday, June 9, 2007

The End? Chapter 12

Finally you have been brought up to date. The Soldier is hanging in there. He is back to work and finally getting back to where he was prior to the bout with listeria (bacterial meningitis). It is time to close this chapter. It doesn't mean you wont continue to read about the funny, or sad encounters he has. He hopes he hasn't left too much out. The Misses seems to think it is pretty close to being accurate.
"Where does the Soldier go from here?" You ask. He will continue to fight. Someone very recently wrote a comment that said something about the Lord not giving you more then you can handle. It is true. The Soldier has no doubt that anything that is thrown at him he will make his best efforts to "get some wood on it." Hopefully he will get a break for a bit, just to catch his breath.

There are so many people that have helped me through all this....

I owe so much to Dr. H. There isn't a better Doctor out there. There have been many times he has let me come in to his office on lunch breaks to give me more drugs or just listen to my problems. Thanks just isn't good enough, but will have to do.

Dr. Bubba the Colo-Rectal Surgeon. Thanks for the hugs and all of your advice. After 6 years my stomach finally doesn't hurt. Hopefully I wont have to have another surgery, but if I do I know I will be in the best hands possible.

Dr. Airforce, you gave me a glimmer of hope for Army Doctors. Thanks for the laughs!

The folks at PDR. You are like a second family. The Misses and I could not have made it without your support. I am sorry for all the time off and stress I put on you.

To the Misses family. Thank you Sir and The Missionary for the blessing. I wasn't "there," but I know it helped. To Annette, the Kids, Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks for the concerns and well wishes. I couldn't ask for a better family-in-law.

To my family. I hope I didn't scare you too bad. I owe you all so much. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done. I love you.

Mom and Pops, what can I say. I love you very much. Mom thanks for the 6 phone calls a day. There is no better mother. Pops, I know you were worried when you called that day on your cell phone (something you have ever done). I hope you are as proud of me as I am of you.

And finally The Misses. I truly owe you my life. There is no doubt that you were and still are my Guardian Angel. I am so thankful you have stuck around through all this. I Love You!

Ranger 6 Delta Out

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