Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hope your paying attention up there!

Been thinking a lot, and doing even more....
I was blessed with incredible parents. I have several traits from both of them, actually too many to list. This weekend as I worked in my basement to give my Sister-in-Law and he boyfriend a proper shitter to plant their butts upon. I came across two traits, one from each of my parents that caused me to...well, pull my hair out.
My pops has been known to think for years and years before starting a project. Every project that has been attempted at his house, you can bet he had been thinking about it for years. I too have this trait. Most projects don't happen without a good amount of thinking being done. My mother has this quality about her that when there is work to be done, and when there isn't work to be done she is up doing it. She never sits still and is always working on something. I too have a hard time sitting still, and I cant do a thing without some thinking. Truly I am happiest when I am busy working on a project.
Having both of these traits usually works out pretty good. Most everything I work on I have thought through every detail and I don't stop until it is all done. The bathroom I didn't have much time to figure out every detail. I could have used another 3 or 4 years, because of this there were several "Son-of-a-Bitches", and "all be damned" uttered from my lips. I was far to antsy to sit still and figure it all out. It did get done. Okay, not really I am still waiting for the damn plumber to show up and hook up the crapper, there is no tile on the floor and the shower is nothing but 2X4's. I couldn't do the finish stuff without The Misses here to pick them out. I did get some drywall up, the electrical is done, and there is a little paint on the walls. I just wish I could have spent more time with the little things. There is flaws in the drywall, the window seal is a bit slanted, and the TP holder is as level as a shelf in a Dr. Seuss house.

The reason for the big hurry, you ask? The Misses and I decided to let her pregnant Sister and Boyfriend live in our basement. It is just for a short time. I have told them they will be out by the time The Misses gets home. I will not worry about where The Misses and I decide to have the occasional argument, and more importantly where we will decide to make up. So they have till the middle of August until they have to be out. Our hope is that it will give the two of them an opportunity to give living with each other a try, without the commitment of a 6 or 12 month lease or more importantly a large rent payment. Hopefully they will take this opportunity to save a few bucks and figure a few things out about each other.

It wont be long, about a month and I will have a screaming baby in my basement. The Misses is fairly jealous ours wont be the first baby crawling around here. I'm a bit sad it wont be our baby screaming in the middle of the night, screaming while I am watching my Monday Shows, and driving me absolutely nuts. I really hope god is paying attention. I have decided I must have done some fairly bad stuff to deserve all I have gone through. My hope is this will earn a few Kudos or Gold Stars or what ever he does to decide who gets the shaft and who doesn't.

The Misses is in Qatar for her 4 days of R&R. She seems to be having a great time, laying out by the pool, visiting the city, spending her hard earned money, and even taking a day cruise that includes jet skies. Her computer is back in Salt Lake getting repaired, and she is still really too busy to sit down and write how she is doing. Know that she is doing great things, and there is no one more proud of her then me. I did finally tell her I would support her through anything, except another damn deployment. We were meant to be together! Here are some pics from Qatar.


Pugh Family said...

Yep- ur a Taylor! What a great sense of humor! Jen looks absolutely great! Good work on the shitter!

Alpha Grandpa said...

Okay, I'll try to write this without a lot of thinking first. First of all the bathroom looks great. I'm a witness to the mistakes made because a good deal of them were mine. Next, the traits you got from your mother are much better than the ones you got from me. The one you got from me that kicks your ass is the perfection thing. I've been living my life for sixty years with the thought that some day I'll get something perfect, and I've decided it's a myth. Perfection is just an idea conjured up by some asswhole who had too much time on his hands.Relax and enjoy. Almost perfect is damn good and that's where you hit the mark every time.
I also think that there is no question you've had more than your share of hard times. I don't think there are many in this world who could have come through it as well as you. Maybe what it is is that the rest of us who aren't as strong as you get see that it is possible to survive what you have, andcome through it normal and strong. Anyway, I know I'm inspired by you, and I'm proud as hell your my son.

Alpha Grandpa said...

Okay, I'll try to write this without a lot of thinking first. First of all the bathroom looks great. I'm a witness to the mistakes made because a good deal of them were mine. Next, the traits you got from your mother are much better than the ones you got from me. The one you got from me that kicks your ass is the perfection thing. I've been living my life for sixty years with the thought that some day I'll get something perfect, and I've decided it's a myth. Perfection is just an idea conjured up by some asswhole who had too much time on his hands.Relax and enjoy. Almost perfect is damn good and that's where you hit the mark every time.
I also think that there is no question you've had more than your share of hard times. I don't think there are many in this world who could have come through it as well as you. Maybe what it is is that the rest of us who aren't as strong as you get see that it is possible to survive what you have, andcome through it normal and strong. Anyway, I know I'm inspired by you, and I'm proud as hell your my son.

Unknown said...

Okay, so Im not a Taylor but I do have that perfection thing in me, But I am definatly like mom (as much as I hate to admit that sometimes). I have to be busy all the time. And I will second Dad, the Bathroom looks wonderful, you did a great job, and I am working like hell to get you a damn plumber there. And I don't think you have done anything in your life to deserve anything that has happened to you....I think god picks the strongest ones for his toughest trials to show the rest of us just how damn lucky we are. But I do know one thing...we are damn lucky to have you.

Your Wonderful Big Sister

One Hopeful Melody said...

Wow! The Missus looks great! :) I knew she was getting all svelte and sexah but I hadn't seen any recent pictures.

I understand why you'll want the place to yourselves when she makes her triumphant return. (tee hee..)

Good luck with the Bathroom. I've seen your handy work and I know it'll turn out great in the end.