Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back on the Bottle...Again (and a bit selfish)

Okay, so its not a bottle as much as it is a bag. Hydration has become a major part of my life. One of the primary functions of a colon is to absorb water. It's amazing how fast dehydration sneaks up on me now. I have learned to recognize the symptoms at the very earliest stages. It starts with chapped lips, followed by a headache, and finally nausea. With my new job comes new hurdles to get over in the fight to stay hydrated. My department is considered a sterile environment. With this comes several rule. Two of them are no food and more importantly NO DRINKS. I have had to really make a conscious effort to stay on top of my fluid. My watch is set to go off every hour for my drink breaks. My goal each day is to drink 3 liters of water while I am at work. If I am off by as little as 8 oz I can really tell a huge difference.

The Misses is very concerned about this. When I reach a point where I can't get caught up. She pulls out her supplies and hooks me up with with a few liters of IV fluids (one of the many perks of being married to a nurse). I have needed IV fluids much more lately because of how active I am at my job. A week ago I called my surgeon and told her what was going on. She set me up with a Home Health Care Agency to come in and manage my IV fluids. The Misses is worried that while she is gone. Oh yah forgot to mention The Misses is being deployed in a few month for at least 14 months. There is much more to come about that. She is very worried I wouldn't be able to get IV's and end up in the hospital. Now if we can just get my insurance to pay for the Home Health Care Nurse (this could be an issue) I will be set.

We found out she is being deployed about a month ago. I haven't been able to sum up the words to construct a blerp about it. So many of you will think I am a bit selfish by mentioning a stupid issue like hydration, before such a big thing as a deployment. Sorry, not an easy subject right now.

And yes, those are our new cabinets. The kitchen was pretty much done after 3 weeks of work. So why haven't I produced pictures? We are waiting on our new light. This blog is already too long to get into it. So more to come on that as well.

So much excitment in that expression. I really do love this.

1 comment:

JEDA said...

So wanna hear how dumb JEDA is?

JEDA is soooo DUMB that she read that entire post wondering what in the hell 4 fluids were, and why is Jenn pushing them on my brother?

JEDA's utterly useless $100,000 liberal arts college education sometimes gets in the way of her realizing that IV does not always indicate a Roman numeral 4.