Monday, February 25, 2008

A quest to finally get a dishwasher!

So there you have it, our crappy little kitchen. The Misses an I knew exactly what we were getting into when we bought our little house in the Ghetto. Now that we have a fence it is time to move onto the kitchen. For the last year and a half we have been doing the dishes by hand everyday, and for the last year and a half we have been complaining about it everyday. Now that the Misses is in school full time, working full time, and being a Sergeant part time I seem to be stuck doing all the dishes all the time. This has made the quest for the dishwasher all that more important.

The size of our kitchen makes it so that only one person can be in it at a time to cook (which is really no big deal. Com'on seriously, what couple out their really cooks together?). Getting a dishwasher in this small space has made us get creative with the layout. Right now it is a classic "U" shape, but the size allows no room for a dishwasher. We have thought about just one of those roll-a-way models, but there is no where to store it. So to the drawing board I went. I finally decided to tear out the peninsula, this allowed for a dishwasher to sit next to the sink. But that left us with even less of the precious counter and cabinet space. The remedy for this is cabinets and counter where the railing for our stairs is.

Okay so tear out a few cabinets and install some in another place. No big deal right? Wrong. This means new flooring, new appliances, removing that stupid soffit above the upper cabinets, lights, a new door and....oh yeah and an electrician to wire for a dishwasher (and The Misses exterior light I told her would never happen. Amazing how she ends up getting everything she wants). Luckily I can do most of the work, and that which is to much for me I know someone that can do it for a good price.

And so it begins, my quest for a dishwasher.

Yes Pops, that is your saw (in case you are looking for it).


Alpha Grandpa said...

It's amazing how much faster you are at going from the thinking stage to the doing stage than I am. Usually it takes a threat from your mom in the way of a devorce before I get off my ass. It should be a great transition. We look forward to the adventure. By the way I have my eye on a new saw,so keep mine lost till after father's day.

Alpha Grandpa said...

It's amazing how much faster you are at going from the thinking stage to the doing stage than I am. Usually it takes a threat from your mom in the way of a devorce before I get off my ass. It should be a great transition. We look forward to the adventure. By the way I have my eye on a new saw,so keep mine lost till after father's day.

Erin said...

You will love it!!! I remember just standing in my new kitchen when it was all done and just gazing at it for days. It is great, but the weeks that it takes to get there really suck-doing your dishes in the bathroom, keeping the fridge and microwave in the living room and eating out a ton gets old fast. But it is fun and well worth it.