Monday, July 14, 2008

Hoping for a better Week

So last weekend concluded with me in the Emergency Room getting IV Fluids. As I got up today I was hoping that it would be a better week. The day didn't start off well, as I got to work I ripped off half of my finger nail. Then I came home to pay bills, a lovely task. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back, Jeter laid down at my feet. He started chewing on what I thought was a bone, so I continued paying the bills. As I reached for my pen I noticed it wasn't there.
I looked down...
Jeter got up and ran out of the room and went outside.

When I finally caught up to him he rolled over "Dad, I promise it wasn't me. It must have been Boo or Harley." The ink was still wet on his paws and around his lips. As my loving Father said once "If I would have hit him, I would have killed him!" Okay, so maybe I wasn't that mad. After attempting to clean the carpet I ran some bath water for The Little Shit, oh, I mean Jeter. Now remember that earlier I mentioned I had ripped off half my finger nail, well then you can imagine the pain that went shooting up my arm every time a drop of water hit the sensitive wound.

I have now finished cleaning the carpet, Jeter and me. Unfortunately the carpet didn't completely come clean. A whole bottle of stain remover and 45 minutes of scrubbing. The misses got home and as usual saw the better side of things. "At least now I have a good reason to buy that area rug I wanted."

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