Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Picking a name?

Isn't it amazing how hard it is to pick a name for everyone to know you as. You don't want to make it too obvious in case you are having a bad day and don't really want the person you are closest too, to find out really what you are thinking. At the same time you want it to have some meaning.
To be honest the only reason I was in this predicament is to be able to comment on a blog my witty sister has set up. I have no intention of trying to compete with her when it comes to this dribble. For heavens sake she has a prestigious degree and I, with the help of her got a "D" in the one attempt at College English.
As far as the the name "The Partial Godfather", its hard to call yourself a "Godfather" when in truth I couldn't tell you when my Godchild's birthday is. Not that that is saying much, I really couldn't tell you when my mother or fathers birthday is either. Ever since my little mishap with the dreadful Listeria it has become even harder to remember such important things. Not that I was great at it before. As much as I would love to be the "Full Godfather" and be more in Elder Miss's life. It is hard when she is across a huge pond, and since my father didn't start me in golf when I was 8 as Tigers dad did (don't worry I forgive you father). I do not have the funds it takes to see her as often as I would like.
Reason two for the "Partial" is ever since the bout with Listeria and the M- countdown, I no longer feel like I am a whole.... well anything? Hopefully with time and I am sure even more drugs this will change.
To be honest I don't know how much I will write. Hopefully you will be less critical then that Liberal English Professor. Thanks for wasting your important time on this mindless dribble....

1 comment:

JEDA said...

Forget EM's birthday. Not important. The one that should concern you most at the moment is MY birthday. MINE. That would March 2nd. That would be tomorrow. TOMORROW! Savvy? Happy Birthday to JEDA tomorrow! It's like Christmas, it's so important that you remember that date. March 2nd. 2 March. 3-2-73.

In other news--I like it. The name is appropriate, and fraught with far more wit than you give yourself credit for. Now keep writing!